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Support / Server problem
« Last Post by Rwolf on May 04, 2023, 04:31:27 pm »
Player - 51R-Rwolf
Server with the problem - Joint ops IC
Game Name - SCH: Merchant Ships
Problem experienced - Map not ending

Other issue - This map has several issues; I think there are some better versions of it with the problems corrected.

1. No Goals or Info given as what to do in the map.

2. Bots not attached to fixed 50cal guns, but lying prone next to them, this applies to all 50:s around the islands.

3. Missing targets in several places - there should be AA missile launchers/Radar dishes under nets in several places, e.g. near C spawn but these are empty.

4. Several radar dishes etc. targets hovering in the air high above hangar at B spawn, these need 2 players & heli to access and destroy.
5. Several 6-wheeler vehicles on a hangar roof near helicopters, they spawns too high, should be inside hangar.

6. The spawn order is messed up, and even when following the alphabetic order, the map will not end at the final spawn, nor list any missing goals.

I played this map a couple of nights ago with 51R-Ghost, and we combed the area for anything missing, no joy.

I suggest to remove this version of the map, and find a better version.

Rolling it will only get it stuck again next time around, I think.
Internet Safety / Virtual Kidnapping
« Last Post by Zaphod-TG- on February 09, 2023, 07:54:29 pm »
A new scam that will spread over time is the "Virtual Kidnap Ransom," which makes use of the ease with which it is now possible to easily spoof a phone number and the dumb free information that people post on social media for the entire world to see is gold to a scammer.

The scammer spoofs a phone number, in this case, your mother's, who has shared her vacation photos and experiences on social media sites like Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook, among others.

If you don't pay X amount of money, they have your mother and will kill her, the voice on the other end of the phone may claim.

They may even have recordings of your mother pleading or yelling during a purported act of abuse. Some scammers might have artificial intelligence (AI) that can recreate another speech using samples of your mother's voice gathered from social media (samples of around 5-10 minutes of audio will serve very well), so that you can hear your mother's voice (AI voice)  begging you to pay.

Texting the victim (in this case, your mother) and either getting them to text back or asking the scammer what is the text I just sent you are two ways to verify that this is a terrible scam attempt. They can read the text you sent back to see if it's real.
Avoid simply hanging up and dialling the number again. If the other person doesn't hang up and can tell you are dialling from the tones they hear, some providers offer delayed cut-off, which allows them to claim to be just answering your outgoing call when in fact it is the same call.

This may well become popular as people will panic after hearing their Mother/Son/Daughter/wife pleading for help. This is a despicable and vicious crime and should be treated as such (minimum 20 year sentence or execution).
Game Talk / MOVED: JO:IC server - map stuck
« Last Post by System on February 06, 2023, 03:09:57 am »
Support / Form - to Report a problem with a TGsquad server
« Last Post by Flame-TG- on February 02, 2023, 03:26:13 pm »
If there is a problem with any of our servers, including TeamSpeak or one of our game servers, kindly use this form to let us know. We value the information you provide.

Support / Re: Map frozen
« Last Post by Flame-TG- on January 31, 2023, 01:26:00 pm »
Hello, Gloat.

Thank you for reporting the hung map; however, because it was in the general forum and this forum has a notification priority, I moved it here at support; I had to ask other members what server the map is on as we have three joint ops servers as well as other games (Steam platform), in this case IC (International Conflict), and they recognised the name and pointed me to the server with the issue.
Maps that have been proven to be bug-free often do this from time to time.

Thanks for the report, and I hope it didn't spoil your enjoyment of our IC server.

Regards, Flame-TG
Support / Map frozen
« Last Post by Gloat on January 30, 2023, 09:30:51 am »
hi guys the map on novaworld merchant ships seems to be frozen and has been for a few days everything seems to have been completed but it won't cycle.
cheers and have a good day.
Support / JO:IC server - map stuck
« Last Post by Rwolf on January 19, 2023, 07:14:08 pm »
Looking at the JO:IC server, I noted the map 'SCH: Merchant Ships' had been on for some days, so I went in to check - the map was finished but had not rolled.

I took a zodiak & a helicopter and went all around the islands, but did not find any live bots or missed targets.

I suggest a map roll - this map seems to get stuck sometimes for an unknown reason.

ps. there is a forum section 'support' that seems to be intended for reports like this, but I can't see a way to open a new thread there, so I posted here instead.
Game Talk / Re: Warhammer: Vermintide II
« Last Post by Rwolf on November 04, 2022, 01:10:16 pm »
Just to note - it is a hefty download, and has some high requirements, so check the specs at some place like '' before spending too much time if your rig is older (like mine).
Game Talk / Warhammer: Vermintide II
« Last Post by Rwolf on November 03, 2022, 11:52:57 pm »
Hi guys, just a heads-up for the interested:

Note: I haven't played it, but it seems to be a game similar in style to the L4D series, only with fantasy characters...and I see it is free on Steam for the moment, so maybe some of you are interested?

General / Re: Karen finds our TeamSpeak
« Last Post by Gumby1 on October 28, 2022, 10:12:03 pm »
I was going to post on this but it would have been nothing but expletives! Amazing how a true idiot can ruin a night?
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